Learning & Assessment


In this project we investigate the fundamental trade-off involved with providing an educational platform for both learning and assessment, and propose strategies to ensure academic integrity in a MOOC-based program


We propose a framework to clearly distinguish the learning from the assessment space in MOOCs. We identify different strategies to prevent academic integrity and implement detection algorithms to catch honor code violations.

Research Publications

Conferences/Invited talks:

  • Bateman, A., Ponce-Cueto, E., Caplice, C. Exploring the Use of Open Response Questions in a MOOC setting to Increase Student Application of Course Concepts. LINC Workshop. June 17, 2019.
  • Ponce-Cueto, E., Caplice, C. How to ensure academic integrity in a MicroMasters program. LINC Workshop. June 17, 2019.
  • Ponce-Cueto, E., Caplice, C. (2019). MicroMasters are Different: Lessons from the first MicroMasters Program. eMOOCS conference. Naples. May 20-22, 2019.

Research Team

Dr. Chris Caplice

Dr. Chris Caplice

Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Eva Ponce

Dr. Eva Ponce


Dr. Alexis Bateman

Dr. Alexis Bateman

Research Scientist